Guilt Eternal

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Sanatan
  • Post last modified:January 16, 2023
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Hindu society is literally under siege. To survive it has to implement some parts of the mentality of the besiegers. Ruthlessness is the root of complete victory.

The recent uproar over the Bilkis Bano has brought many aspects of this civilization struggle to the fore.

Before we proceed to draw some conclusions from it all, we must have a little background. Bilkis Bano was gang raped during the 2002 riots. Her gang rapists have now been freed by the state government despite being convicted and awarded a life sentence. Said release has been criticized by the entirety of the left and some sections on the right.

Before we proceed further, we need to clarify that this article is not about the morality of rape or the release nor am I advocating for any such thing, there are just certain aspects to the entire episode that need to be brought to the fore.

The Left, which has unanimously condemned the decision to release the rapists. Not surprising given how the victim was a Muslim and the perpetrators Hindu. Why is this religious identity important? Because the Left generally and the Islamists especially particularly are selective about the rapes and atrocities they care about. If Muslims are involved in attacking Dalits, nothing will be said. Nothing has been said about the mass rapes of Kashmiri Pandit women, and the movie that finally did talk about it all was roundly abused by the left. What did the Left say about the harassment of a Hindu Jat Girl in Muzzaffarnagar, that started the entire riots? Nothing, nada, zilch. Do the Islamists and the Left speak about atrocities, of which gang rape is only a part, against the Hindus languishing in the Islamic states of Pakistan and Bangladesh? Heck, a known terrorist namely Burhan Wani is openly eulogized by the same gang. Their morality shifts based on the identities of people involved.

Another aspect is that the Left and the Islamists are shameless and probably proud of what is done to Hindus by their compatriots. For example, Islamists must see it as a sign of divine providence and Hindu cowardice that the harassment of Hindu women is carried on successfully by the Ummat. It is a known fact of life that Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh face, that this is what was done to Hindu women in all major conflagrations between Hindus and Muslims. What apology has been there? What shame and guilt has been expressed? Communists proudly proclaim their streak of violence and Islamists proudly proclaim their masculine prowess over Hindus. No asks them to be ashamed. And before coming up with defences of collective guilt, I am applying the same standard to communists and Islamists that they apply to Hindus, Brahmins etc etc.

The Left and the Communists are also great at highlighting events that serve their purpose. More people know that 2002 riots were anti-Muslim riots than those who know what set it off. More people now know of the brutal rape carried out by Hindus of Bilkis Bano than that of any Hindu woman by Muslims. They want Hindu society to feel guilty as a whole about this and the community at large to associate events like the 2002 riots only with the events that serve their narrative. This is the reason they highligh Kathua, or any sexual deviancy on part of Pandits while keeping mum about the mass sexual harassment that goes on Madarsas and within Muslim Community. The Left seeks to hang events like the Bilkis Bano rape around the neck of Hindu society.

The step after collective guilt is moral equivalence. In time, when there is something truly egregious done by an Islamist, things like Bilkis Bano rape will be brought up to equate Hindu Society with Islamic society. What this conveniently ignores is that unlike Hinduism, Islam gives divine sanction to sexual slavery and enslavement of Kafir women, their rape and their subjugation. This also conveniently ignores that Hindus never attacked a foreign country to kidnap and enslave their population. Hindus have always been the victims of Quran sanctioned hate, so much so that the mountains over which our ancestors were carted away came to be known as Hindu Kush, or the Death of Hindus.

Finally we come to the Hindu reactions to it all. Certain sections could not wait to demonstrate their moral bonafides and admittedly gang rape is a heinous offence so of course they are doing the right thing in condemning it. But this also betrays an aspect of Hindu psyche.

Never have our texts advocated the complete subjugation and humiliation of a people. Never have our stories, our heroes, our legends advocated complete ruthlessness. Forgiveness, repentance and charity have been ever present in Hindu works. Not so in Islamic texts. All humiliation of kafirs has a divine sanction, all irritation of kafirs is a partial ticket to paradise. How else do you justify making it a point to fling beef into temples before destroying them, if looting them was your only aim? How else do you justify mass rapes before turning them into sex slaves, if incorporating them into your society was your aim? All hate is sanctioned, all destruction of kafirs divinely ordained. If your mind recoils at reading these words, you are displaying the classical Hindu trait of not being able to harbour such relentless hate since you yourself have harboured it in yourself suo moto.

VD Savarkar wrote about this way back when. He contrasted the difference in Muslim aggression and Hindu resistance. He made particular point about the absence of mass rape in Hindu wars and fighting. Of course, all he intended to do was to bring out the differences in the psyche of Muslims and Hindus and the warn the latter that some degree of ruthlessness is required to combat the former. But alas, the advice was discarded and VD Savarkar called an advocate of mass rape.

Hindu society is literally under siege. To survive it has to implement some parts of the mentality of the besiegers. Ruthlessness is the root of complete victory.