Kanwar Yatra

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  • Post category:Sanatan
  • Post last modified:January 16, 2023
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Liberals view the world through the lens of caste and class. When it doesn’t suit their agenda, it must be the incorrect way of doing things.They cannot comprehend Hinduism, visibly undivided and casteless as in a Kanwar Yatra. They do not understand the higher pursuits of life.

Kanwar Yatra

The auspicious month of Shravan (Savan) has arrived. Saavan is characterised by the devotees visiting temples to offer prayers to their beloved Mahadev.

History of Kanwar Yatra

There are many stories about how the Kanwar yatra started. It is believed, during the Shravan month, Samudra Manthan (Churning of the ocean ) by the Devas and the Danavas began. The great poison Halalal was churned out with the nectar of life ‘Amrit’. Everyone wanted the nectar of life but no one was willing to accept Halahal. The great Lord Shiva stepped up to the task and saved the universe. The poison is said to have produced great heat in the body of Lord Shiva. Devas began pouring the waters of Ganga on him to cool his body. It is said to be the beginning of the Kanwar Yatra where the devotees pour water of the holy Ganga on Mahadev.

There is also a legend that Lord Parshuram was the first person to carry Kanwar as an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva.

There is a league of devotees who surpass all others in their devotion to Gangadhar Lord Shiva. The carrying of Kanwar is all too common in India during the Shravan. The feat is neither easy nor can it be performed by anyone. It requires immense physical prowess complimented by intense devotion.

One other phenomena can be observed around the days of the Kanwar Yatra and all other Hindu festivals. The devotees of Marx and Lenin, the left-liberals,go on a rampage to belittle and humiliate Hinduism and its practices. The problem here does not lie with the Kanwars. It is the idea of Hinduism’s extroverted and overtly visible practices which the Left-Liberals despise.

They hate to see this confident and proud Hinduism. The left hates Hinduism. It is more than clear and visible.

You do not observe such comments on Muharram rallies as you can notice on the Kanwariyas. This hatred spreads and sustains itself through cautious propaganda spreading and agenda setting. The seasonal rationalists suddenly start caring about the Kanwariyas carried by young men. They worry about their employment status and hate them simultaneously for being toxic males. These are merely displaying their love and devotion for their lord. But the tone of these comments is condescending and hateful.

It also displays a class bias and White Man’s burden syndrome. Here the left liberals think they must civilize the people. What does this meaning of civilization entail? The gods only know. They cannot bear the happiness and satisfaction that marks the faces of these Kanwar Yatris in this heat and under severe physical stress. They cannot comprehend the faith of these men and how they manage to accomplish this superhuman feat.

Kanwar yatras are forced?

Kanwar carriers are brainwashed individuals?

Kanwariyas are ardent devotees?

No, it is the toxic patriarchy and blind faith at work

Liberals view the world through the lens of caste and class. When it doesn’t suit their agenda, it must be the incorrect way of doing things.They cannot comprehend Hinduism, visibly undivided and casteless as in a Kanwar Yatra. They do not understand the higher pursuits of life.

So, everyone must do everything for a financial gain as they do. How are these people able to do it for free? Perhaps they did not sell their soul to the Communist Manifesto or the Missionaries. The liberals in India intend to change the lives of the poor and the working classes. They have managed to do so, but they have made it worse. They do not understand the people they wish to represent.

The liberal group in India remains a bastion of the selected few with privilege.They fail to connect with the masses.Their priorities, their sorrow, their happiness are beyond their understanding . The liberal hypocrisy is all too evident now. The people are rising and resisting their failed idea of India where there is no place for a self respecting Hindu.Arise and carry your Kanwar proudly. Mahadev sees you and loves you.