How do people become blind to the consequences of an ideology?

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  • Post category:Society
  • Post last modified:February 14, 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read
  1. Bhaskar Menon was a Keralite. He joined EMI records in Kolkata, and soon moved to the US and rose to become its global head. in 1973 he heard that Pink Floyd were moving away from EMI, so he met them, and requested them not to. He told them that he would make their new Album The Dark Side of The Moon a superhit. He picked up its single Money and launched a blitzkrieg in media to promote it. The Album soon topped the chart, and stayed close to top for 741 weeks, that is, till 1988, an unbroken record till date.
  2. Noni Gopal Bose was a revolutionary in 1920s. The British jailed him. He managed to escape and reached America. There, he married Charlotte, a French-German woman. Charlotte soon fell in love with Hinduism, turned pure veg, and became a student of Vedanta. She raised her son Amar Gopal Bose a Hindu. He went to MIT and graduated in 1950s in Electrical Engineering. After graduating he came to India for one year on a research assignment and fell in love with Prema, a Bong girl, and married her soon afterwards. Amar Bose created Bose speakers. His company remained privately held. He became billionaire in 21st century. His speakers still remain Gold standard in music.

Point? Point is that the two commie states, Kerala and West Bengal, also had the most educated and wise Hindus at the turn of twentieth century. Communism rose soon afterwards, and like the intelligent Russians, these two Hindu groups fell for the fraud called communism/socialism. Keralites and Bongs still do wonders once they get set free in a Capitalist setting, but still love communism.

How do people become blind to the consequences of an ideology?

In my opinion, it is all a game of communication. Man’s mind is a clean slate. Those who bother to write on it something, get not only their Apps, but even their Operating System running on it.

About 1500 years ago something happened that stunned the collective Hindu brain into a coma. And now it refuses to wake up. Hindus remain the most individualistic people, with zero collective conscious. They do not talk to each other, and their leadership doesn’t talk to them, because there is no Hindu leadership. So, they vote for a Leftist thug who would impoverish them, and on the same day murder five members of the own family for Rs. 30000/-. Have turned the marriage into an extortion racket and consequently destroyed it, but always vote for the corrupt socialist vote bank managers who are openly selling their present and the future to their vote banks.

All the thuggish religions and ideologies go to great lengths to communicate with their members 24×7, and at the same to block any outside communication to the members. How do we tell Hindus that they need to talk to each other, to their next door neighbour, and across Caste and linguistic lines?