I hope Trudeau knows what he has unleashed upon himself?

Wrt the story of drugs being found on Trudeau’s plane, well, while nobody can rule out the possibility of drugs being present in the plane, I can’t see Indian officials being able to board the plane on any ground. Even if it is drugs. Cos a national designated plane is sovereign territory which can’t be breached.

However, I also think that the story of Trudeau’s plane grounding has a lot more to it than what is being allowed to come out in the open. Whatever happened during that, has Trudeau spooked. So I feel it is possibly to stave of India making any declaration about the reasons of his grounding, that Trudeau ejaculated prematurely. India is maintaining silence. Trudeau is digging his own pit.

Let us, for a moment presume that India is behind the killing of the Khalistani Terrorist. Even if they sanctioned the act, it would have been carried out by multiple layers of deniability and with no overt connection. Any connection, if at all, would be purely speculative. Thus what evidence can Canada provide to India? Canada has a history of dismissing off any evidence placed against Khalistanis and stonewalling after that. Now, two can play the same game.

Given the looming presence of China and burgeoning chances of confrontation, and the precariousness of the Ukraine conflict, the last thing any of the Western nations wants is a Circus triggered by personal insecurities and ego. There are too many balls in the air to balance. Trudeau has picked the worst possible moment to try and shake the one boat which everyone wants to buy a stake into in increasingly choppy waters.

What Trudeau was hoping on doing was a possibly carry out a ‘Khashoggi’ moment type of hit which was carried out by Turkish Intelligence against KSA. But Trudeau has not even a fraction of proof which the Turkish Intelligence had. They had planned out the info ambush for aeons through multiple layers of intelligence gathering and allowed Khashoggi to become a bait knowingly. It was an ‘active’ operation, not a reactive investigation. But Trudeau and Canada have done nowhere close to that homework.

The danger of pulling out off a ‘Khashoggi’ is that the world has also been primed for the level of details to come out post such an accusation. Trudeau has little more than a verbal ‘Twiddle dee dee’ and ‘Twiddle dee dum’.

Here’s what Trudeau has achieved, other than being the iceberg to sink the Indo-Canada (why was I typing Pak instead of Canada? 🤔) Titanic:

  • Hilighted the Khalistani base which is Canada and brought forth the Khalistani issue Centerstage. Remember, G20 have made a joint statement on Terrorism in the last meet. One thought it was about Pakistan, but now Canada is in its sights.
  • Opened Canada up for various Terrorist technical tools, such as FATF
  • Created an internationally highlighted space for India to now start providing all details of How Canada is working against another commonwealth member sovreignity.
  • In absence of evidence and proof, will turn Canada into the one who shouted ‘Wolf’ prematurely. Now, if India makes this an active policy, how many times will Canada be able to raise the same alarm?
  • Allowed India to go full throttle after Khalistanis (and get international sanction behind it).
  • Given India incentive to start pulling antagonistic leverage against his Govt. ANd there are many buttons which can be pressed.

I hope Trudeau knows what he has unleashed upon himself? What he has done will definitely neither be forgiven nor forgotten. This is what happens when democracy allows you to place a Joker in the top seat.