The People against the People

The Left failed precisely because it showed all its cards. It wants a deracinated country, dominated by industries that it approves of, completely in thrall to the victim groups that the Left deifies. The enemy has failed this once, do not let this sneak-peek into their thought process go to waste.

In Chile, the bestest, amazingest, progressivest President was elected. He is called Gabriel Boric. Not only that alongside him the bestest, amazignest, progressivest party was voted to power. Not only that said perfect, amazing, perfectly legitimate party was given approximately 2/3rd of the seats in the Parliament. Conservatives, mean and rude and regressive that they are, could win only 1/3rd of the seats. What then did this bestest, amazingest, progressivest party and leader do? They overturned the entire constitution. They brought in a new one which was of course the bestest, amazingest, progressivest constitution that has ever graced this world. Now why do I call them and all that they do the bestest, amazingest, progressivest? Because that is how they were treated in the press both domestic and international. And that too only because they are on the Left. There was literally no other reason to be so optimistic for such a person and such a party and such a constitution. With that being said, the constitution was changed by these gung-ho, power drunk lefties because the existing one was brought under right wing dictator Augusto Pinochet, who made it a habit to throw Communists from helicopters. Of course, he is reviled and hated for his uncompromising attitude towards Communists. The jury is still out amongst retards as to whether Augusto Pinochet was right in dealing with Communists the way he did. But all has not been hunky dory for said Leftwingers in power in Chile. The bestest, amazingest, progressivest constitution they so wanted to bring was subjected to a referendum. The people then voted against it by an overwhelming margin. Clearly the People are against the People the Leftwingers pretend to represent. The best part about this is that the Indigenous Groups of Chile voted against the constitution in greater proportion to the non-Indigenous Groups of Chile. Leftwingers did not like this turn of events. Cue the usual whining and chest thumping about an illiterate electorate, propaganda by right wing and of course the ever-present hatred towards minorities and indigenous groups. The international news agencies like the New York Times were thoroughly depressed to find that the people themselves voted against a Leftwing constitution brought in by a Leftwing Government through a Leftwing referendum. They all but declared the people to be idiots for not agreeing with the Global Leftwing agenda. But the now failed Constitution gives some amazing insights into what a Leftwing utopia looks like. For one they declared themselves not to be a nation, but a plurinational entity. What this means is there is no such thing as shared history, language or culture. What any nation is, is just a bunch of people who happen to live together at this point of time. Applied to India, this means there is no Hinduism, no Hindus, no authentic Bharat, no authentic Bharatiya. This concept is more sinister than it seems because all equal to all, despite the differences between different groups that exist in society, would entitle all to the same treatment. For example, Hindus did not invade a foreign country, impose their rule, uproot traditions, burn down universities, utilize mass rape as a war tactic. It was Muslims who did that to Hindus and Bharat. Yet in this so called plurinational entity, a Muslim has as valid a claim to India as a Hindu. What this concept also allows is the ability to pick and choose which group to highlight and which group to put down. Of course, it will be the Left that does the picking and choosing. A Muslim making a claim that Babri Masjid belongs to him and should be rebuilt exactly where it stood will be highlighted as a valid claim of a group equal to the invalid claim of Hindus who wish to worship their own gods in their own temples. When there is no hierarchy of claims, it is the Left that swoops in to construct their own hierarchies be it in the form of bourgeoisie-proletariat, Muslim-Hindu, Black-White, Men-Women etc. That is the biggest outcome of accepting the Leftwing plurinational claim. Then there is the fact that 1/3rd of the Parliament that was Conservative was not even consulted in the making of this new Constitution. The Left that makes such a big deal about accommodating minorities chose to ignore the biggest minority there was. The Left does not care about minorities or majorities or free speech or institutions. It cares about power. The sooner everyone understands this, the sooner I will be able to move on from proving the hypocrisy of the Left over and over again. The new progressive constitution also said that all government posts would be divided 50 50 between men and women. This clearly meant that whatever portion of men and women that made up more than 50 percent of any category of government posts would have to give up their jobs. The men were immediately to be forced to do so. When it came to women, the resignations were postponed in favour of a future settlement. Leftwing lunacy does not end with cultural revolution though. Chile has an extractive economy. Meaning thereby the economy of Chile depends to a great extent on extracting natural resources and exporting them. Guess what the new constitution would do to this sector of the Chilean economy? A defacto ban till the time, presumably, the Left would have enough power to ban it altogether. Millions of jobs lost, livelihoods ruined, a nation brought to the brink of catastrophe. But who cares? As long as modern day leftwingers can pretend to be crusaders. The Left failed precisely because it showed all its cards. It wants a deracinated country, dominated by industries that it approves of, completely in thrall to the victim groups that the Left deifies. The enemy has failed this once, do not let this sneak-peek into their thought process go to waste.