Multiculturalism is just putting a sheep’s clothing on the wolf of Islamisation

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Islam
  • Post last modified:July 3, 2023
  • Reading time:4 mins read

What most have realised is that what is happening in France is a precursor to what will be happening across many places in Europe and will definitely transpire in India. “Multiculturalism” is just putting a sheep’s clothing on the wolf of “Islamisation”. Living in Bengal, we are of course first hand witness to it. Though here it proceeds in deft salami slicing.

What is interesting to note is that how quick BJP apparatchiks have jumped onto the concern bandwagon generated by what is happening in France, and are trying to sell the party as the panacea against such tides.

I will possibly go separately into how much BJP has mishandled Manipur and set NE back by a few decades separately. Or mebbe I won’t. BJP will be wiped out in J&K, CPIM is a better choice in Bengal, will lose MP and most probably Haryana, and there’s only a very dim chance in Rajasthan. There, in Rajasthan, the anti-incumbency wave is battling against the infighting and non-performance of BJP. BJP has lost Karnataka, Himachal, Uttrakhand. This rout will only increase and continue. Why? Cos BJP doesn’t believe in grassroot performance nor organisational strengthening.

The duo on top has no inclination towards meritocracy in the party, let alone in society. It is definitely the new Congress. BUT, there’s something which the BJP can count on. It’s the growing Hindu insecurity and the overwhelming feeling it has of the TINA factor wrt Hindus. Thus, they don’t have to perform. They don’t have to deliver. And when they are voted out on non-performance, the said apparatchiks will again start guilt peddling on the ‘division of Hindus’. The assumption is, performance shouldn’t be a criteria. Willful adherence to TINA should be.

Look at it dispassionately. For its catchment, Hindus and the middle class, BJP has done the MOST to extract from them while delivering to them the least. They pay the most in taxes of all kinds and get nothing, be it in terms of education via meritocracy, equalisation wrt other community, protection of law, from law, legal resources, jobs, what have you? Why? Cos this catchment is system abiding. But then, they are system abiding cos they are too busy self aggrandising at best or surviving at worst, to form either a collective or a community. They want to delegate…nay abdicate, their responsibilities to a convenient vote. And BJP knows that.

It is not in BJP’s interest to make Hindus feel secure or form a secure society. It is insecurity which they can milk. And they intend to milk it for their own aggrandisement. Meanwhile, the opposition, having identified Hindus as not belonging to their catchment, have no qualms towards delivering to the non-Hindus all forms of largess. If there were a simile to be drawn, amongst birds, Hindus are the broiler chickens. You could pet, react, relate to every other bird kind, from crows, to pigeons to sparrows. BUT, to you, broiler chicken is just a consumable. They deserve neither identification, nor sympathy. They can neither come together, nor fly away nor can they revolt. They are simply made to await their turn and be consumed. One by one. That being the case, can one even blame the BJP?

I have been maintaining silence partially out of sheer ennui, and partially out of a sense of disgust. How much ever one writes here, beyond talking points, it does very little, doesn’t it?

Churchill had famously said, ‘While the Hindu elaborates his argument, the Moslem sharpens his sword’. That has continuously and perennially remained true. The reason as to why Hindus are argumentative is cos they are hoping to persuade someone else to stand up on their behalf. The reason as to why Muslims sharpen their sword is cos they have the mindset, vision, community, action plan, role definition, objectives, wherewithals…all inplace, to spring to action. They know it is war and they are ready for it. Their ideology is in perpetuation of the conflict until complete erasure of others. That will not change.

Shouldn’t we just simply and quietly accept our broiler chicken fate?