Wolf in Wolves Clothing

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  • Post category:Politics
  • Post last modified:January 16, 2023
  • Reading time:4 mins read

There are no wolves in sheep clothing here. They are wolves and remain proud of it. What asks them to act like wolves is their book which they proudly and loudly proclaim to be the nearest and dearest possession of theirs

Another day, another love jihad story. When stories of the Muslims acting like Hindu men as a deliberate ploy to marry and convert Hindus and Christians happen so frequently, they lose their sting. I still remember the furious controversy when the idea that Muslims as an organized force, seek to convert and entice away women from other communities arose. It was like a theological debate, with one side refusing to acknowledge it’s existence, with the other doing all in their power to prove it’s existence. I guess when push comes to shove, we are all quite content to behave like Abrahamics. But now it has ceased to be a tragic news item and become just another news item, such is the frequency of their occurrence.

But the banality of tragedy is not the topic of my article. The topic is how such impunity is exercised by our dear Bhaijaans in doing what they want generally and specifically love jihad. Ask a Muslim this and he shall tell you that he has the blood of conquerors in him. Bullshit of course, they are no more conquerors than mice are men. Ask a section of Hindus this, the response varies from we do not know about this to we must do something about this to it is too late to do anything about this.

The answer is more complicated than this. The only and only reason Bhaijaans are able to do and get away with things is because they have complete and utter clarity about what they need to do. Islam has created a neat system that reinforces certain ideas amongst the Muslim masses. For example, everything that a Muslim needs to do is found in the Quran and the Quran happens to be the most-holiest book of Islam and the Quran is something every Muslim is supposed to read and be aware of. It is this book and its teachings that causes Muslims to behave the way they do. Specifically targeting women of different communities is nothing but the extension of war booty/maal-i-ganimat concept contained in the Quran. As such most Muslims are either directly or peripherally aware of this idea. Even if they are not, they are most certainly aware that the Quran prescribes a morally inferior position to all non-Muslims.

The problem is that the Indian state and Hindu Community refuses to recognize this. The Hindu community simply cannot fathom a community that desires the extinction of others. Just because a concept is alien to Hinduism, it is not a concept alien to other religions. Another problem is the state itself. It incubates and pampers all that is extreme at the cost of the moderate through sheer inaction. For example, we all know that extremist acts cause terror and a chilling effect and that the state does not do enough to prevent such acts, as a result through extremist acts Muslims have placed an embargo on the discussion of Islam. The state has monopolized education and that too for 60 years, yet not once has Islam or it’s teachings specifically with reference to unbelievers been taught to the common populace. As a result, we have community wide amnesia. We do not know what was done to us in the name of Islam and we refuse to acknowledge that what is done to us now is in the name of Islam.

There are no wolves in sheep clothing here. They are wolves and remain proudly proclaim that they are wolves. What asks them to act like wolves is their book which they proudly and loudly proclaim to be the nearest and dearest possession of theirs.

The only solution to all this is to educate yourself and be in a position to educate others as and when the situation arises. Lift the community wide amnesia, and we shall be in a position where actual constructive action can be taken. A refusal to be blind has to be the first step we all take.