Aurangzeb’s Father: A True Story buried by our Historians!

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  • Post last modified:February 15, 2023
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Aurangzeb’s Father: A True Story buried by our Historians!

Shah Jahan married a beautiful 19 year old Arjumand Banu Begam as his second wife in 1612. They were engaged when she was just 13 as insisted by Noor Jehan, the consort of Jahangir. She was given the title Mumtaz Mahal by Shah Jahan after their marriage.

Shah Jahan was voracious in love and presented Mumtaz with five children in five years. Hur-ul-Nisa Begum, Jahanara Begum, Dara Shikoh, Shah Shuja and Roshanara Begum.

A strange quirk of fate at this stage changed the destiny of India. Shah Jahan had suddenly lost interest in Mumtaz and stopped visiting her Jenana after Roshanara was born. Mumtaz was heartbroken. One of the eunuchs in the Jenana was a Dalit called Mahamada. He was gifted to Mumtaz by her mother at the time of her marriage. In reality, Mahamada was not a eunuch. But he acted like one to ensure safety of Mumtaz. He was fiercely loyal to Mumtaz. In grief of separation from Shah Jahan, Mumtaz found solace in the company of Mahamada. She knew he was a man and love just happened. That’s how Aurangzeb was born on 3 November 1618, when Shah Jahan had not visited Mumtaz for more than 10 months.

Intimidated by the possibility of humiliation he might have to face from the Noblemen and Royals, Shah Jahan decided to accept Aurangzeb as his son. Thus, son of a Dalit was given recognition as the sixth child of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz.

Having acquired belief in Hindu practices from her mother in law Jagat Gosain, Mumtaz secretly invited a Pandit from Kashmir to write the Kundali of her love child born to a Hindu. The Pandit told her, “Hey Queen, this child will live long and rule the Kingdom if he is given the name of Bhagavan Shankar and lives as a Hindu till the day of his circumcision. Otherwise, he will succumb to premature death. He will be an extremely arrogant but powerful King. He must be named after Kashinath Mahadev.” Mumtaz agreed and the child was given the name “Mahadev Udayan Mahamada” 

Shah Jahan came to know about the visit of Pandit and decided to decapitate him. But the Pandit convinced the King that Mahadev Udayan was destined to grow up to be a world ruler. He also told the King that none of his other children would live long enough to continue the rule of Mughals. That convinced Shah Jahan to spare the life of Pandit. He received huge sums of gifts to maintain silence. The Pandit returned to Kashmir, thanking the benevolence of Mughal ruler.

After his circumcision, Mahadev Udayan Mahamada was renamed Moh-i-uddin Mohammed Aurangzeb. This secret of his paternity was hidden from him on orders of Shah Jahan. Shah Jahan extracted his revenge on Mumtaz by impregnating her practically every year and she ended up giving birth to 14 children in 18 years. She also suffered 3 abortions in between. She died during the birth of her 14th child in 17 pregnancies.

Mahamada, who was jailed till then was killed and buried in the basement of same place where Mumtaz was buried. That is the reason visitors are not allowed into the basement of Taj Mahal.

Aurangzeb’s paternity was an open secret in the family, though he was never told about it. Once, Dara Shikoh chided him about his paternity. That is when Aurangzeb came to know his truth. He was shattered and became vengeful. He decided to avenge the humiliation and eliminated his brothers one by one and took over the Mughal throne in 1658.

Aurangzeb developed serious hatred for anything Hindu and that is why he demolished countless temples. The Kashi Mahadev temple was one among those temples. The very existence of the temple pricked him, reminding him of his Hindu Dalit paternity and his original name Mahadev Mahamada. He ordered the rear end of the temple to be retained while building a Mosque after the demolition of temple. It gave him immense pleasure and made him feel he was more Islamic than his siblings. That’s how Gyanvapi Mosque came into existence. 

The Pandit who predicted the accent of Aurangzeb and received a lot of favors from Mughal Kings founded the Kaul Dattatreya Gotra family. His successors forever remained grateful to Mughals and made a life out of glorification of Mughals.

One of Aurangzeb’s countless concubines was a white woman. She migrated to America after the fall of Mughal empire. A present day descendant of that woman writes glorious “stuff” about Aurangzeb. She is a Distorian at Gutters University.

Note: This is an authentic historical account of “Aurangzeb’s original Father”. As authentic as the “Shivaji was not of Rajput descent” story by Gutters University Professor.