Leftists Start with the Hungry

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  • Post category:Society
  • Post last modified:January 16, 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Morality is not genetic. Once receiving without giving anything in return to the fellow citizens is made not only moral but a legal right, only sky is the limit. Voters even in the most educated societies vote for politicians who promise them more free stuff than in the last elections.

Leftists start with the hungry,” How can we see people dying around us for want of food?” The argument is compelling. It has really no counter argument. People acquiesce in it. It looks the only moral thing to do. Though in nature there is never shortage of food, but for that the hungry will need to go back to where we, man, started 7 million years ago: foraging, gathering, hunting. Once we accept the principle that it is legal for the state to confiscate from one to feed the another, it starts downhill: then it moves to: how can we see people homeless when Ambani lives in Antilla? Then, how can we see people dying of disease when we have hospitals? How can we leave people without graduation/PhD? How can we leave people without old age pension? All these things require more and more redistribution of wealth. Morality is not genetic. Once receiving without giving anything in return to the fellow citizens is made not only moral but a legal right, only sky is the limit. Voters even in the most educated societies vote for politicians who promise them more free stuff than in the last elections. In India, reservation was a settlement. A wrong to correct a historical bigger wrong: Caste hierarchy. But electoral politics soon made it an appeasement: now with every election, politicians promise, and those receiving demand, reservation in ever newer fields, in ever greater magnitude. Now as the right to legally lynch upper castes without hearing has been acquired, next horizon is reservation in private sector. Because once the principle was accepted that it is ok to do a new wrong to correct a past wrong, only sky was the limit. Coming back to socialism, arithmetic somehow refuses to be convinced. Most countries fold at the free food stage itself. Disappear. America collapsed in 2008 because of Housing for all programme. Europe is disappearing at the free healthcare and old age pension stage- people there have figured out that if govt is to take care of them in old age, and sex is available off the shelf, why go to the trouble of marrying and raising children. Fertility rate in Europe is now below 1.5. In desperation, they are trying to import the young, the future tax payers to fund their old age entitlements they voted to themselves; from the third world. Good luck with that. Great Civilisations of the past disappeared because of moral guardians out to feed the hungry. Current Civilisation is richer, so hungry may indeed get free food and society may survive, but Leftists have already moved to free housing, free medical care, and free PhDs. Gods save us all. This time we have instruments of mass destruction and distances have disappeared. Collapse will not be in isolation that now it is Babylonians, then Egyptians, then Harappans, then Greeks……. We will all go down together, clutching our entitlements to free things tightly in our hands.