That is why we need guns

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  • Post category:Society
  • Post last modified:January 16, 2023
  • Reading time:4 mins read

No discussion, no agitation, nothing. We may look out our windows as Dr Narang is butchered, Ankit Saxena is beheaded, Dhruv Tyagi is clobbered, but demanding our right to keep guns back, no, no no, we are Hindus. In fact challenge starts swirling on social media: It was Hindu Mohalla. He was murdered. No Hindu intervened. What would you have done?

(So long as America has such high level of intellectual discourse, the world is safe.) “My right to keep and bear arms is merely the practical expression of my underlying right to self-defense. That, as a polity, we have decided to hire certain people to take the first shot at keeping the peace is fine. But it has no bearing on my liberties. And how could it, given that I do not live in a police station? The old saw that when seconds count, the police are minutes away is trotted out as often as it is because it is unquestionably true. Whether the average police department is virtuous or evil is irrelevant here. What matters is that no government has the right — and in America, mercifully, no government has the legal power — to farm out, and then to abolish, my elementary rights. It would not fly if the government hired people to speak for me and then shut down my speech; if would not fly if the government hired people to worship for me and then restricted my right to exercise my religion; and it will not fly for the government to hire a security agency and then to remove, or limit, my access to weaponry. This is a personal question, not an aggregate question: I have one life, and I am entitled to defend it in any way I see fit against those who would do me harm.” -CHARLES C. W. COOKE (In our case, when the disarmed Hindus were massacred and driven out from Kashmir, the state that disarmed them with the promise of defending them was no where in sight. You may argue that police/army can’t be everywhere. Then why keep people from having guns? And even more outrageous is the murder of Sh Kalpvriksh Giri Maharaj, Sushil Giri Maharaj, and Nilesh. Police WAS there. And still state allowed them to be murdered. In essence, “Good boy, give us your gun, see, the police will defend you instead.” And to police, “You won’t fire to defend a human life till we tell you. Wait for our orders. And if in waiting for orders somebody gets killed, so be it.” In short, we will decide which life is to be saved from murder, and which won’t be. Evil. Most evil. Ghanghor evil. And truly slaves are the people, us, who have acquiesced in to this evil. And yet, we never demand our right to bear arms back. No discussion, no agitation, nothing. We may look out our windows as Dr Narang is butchered, Ankit Saxena is beheaded, Dhruv Tyagi is clobbered, but demanding our right to keep guns back, no, no no, we are Hindus. In fact challenge starts swirling on social media: It was Hindu Mohalla. He was murdered. No Hindu intervened. What would you have done? What can anybody do without a gun in the face of a murderous mob? What? And will there ever be a mob if every house had a gun?) (In America during current riots, in residential areas people were ready with loaded guns, and so the rioters kept away. Have the moral clarity: Murder of George Floyd by a policeman doesn’t give anybody a right to kill you or destroy your property. And if you do not have this moral clarity, you will not survive.)