Reality does not matter

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  • Post category:Society
  • Post last modified:August 7, 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Reality does not matter. A fake reality can be created and placed between people and the reality, and they will fall for it.

Church now claims that the west advanced in science because Chri-stianity emphasises reason and rationality.

In reality, Church burnt alive anybody who questioned its dogmas. Chri-stianity holds that the earth is at the centre of the universe, is fixed in space, the Sun goes around it. Copernicus wrote that no, actually the Sun is at the centre of the earth’s orbit. But he did not publish his findings. He made them public when he was on his deathbed. Even then, his writings were suppressed and rejected. 57 years after his death, a Chri-stian monk, Giordano Bruno, defended Copernicus and tried to publish his writings. Bruno was burnt alive for this heresy.

Science actually developed in the west after Church was weakened because of Reformation, and books reached people because of printing press, and knowledge was stolen from colonies and repackaged.

But the negation of reality never stopped. Now it is done by media, academia, popular culture and politicians. Just one example: You may watch 1000 Hindi movies, and Brahmin will always be a crooked exploitative joker, and Mu-slim will always be a wise, sage like, fighter for justice, defender of the weak and women.

And we let this fake reality to be peddled, little realising that consequences of people mistaking fake reality as reality are always real.