The Queer Case of Ezra Miller

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  • Post category:Society
  • Post last modified:January 16, 2023
  • Reading time:6 mins read

For the left, victims are as changeable as the flavour of the month. Today it is transsexuals, yesterday it was women. For all the feminists that feel aggrieved by what transsexuals now do and demand, know that it was you enabled it and it was you who perfected the methods now used by the trans lobby against you. Today’s victim can be tomorrow’s oppressor in the Leftwing worldview. So be it for sane people like us, let us watch them devour each other while keeping our own safe.

Imagine a scenario. There is a grown-up man. Said grown up gets into fights with women. Not verbal but physical fights. As is inevitable, he beats up the women he gets into fights with. This man also barges into a stranger’s house, dressed in a garish costume and starts a physical altercation with the resident of said house. The resident in this case as well is a woman. Imagine a grown-up man, who hobnobs and enters into illicit relations with a fifteen year old girl. Imagine said girl stating the wish that she does not want to return to her parents. Imagine the parents of this girl being forced to fight a court case to get their daughter to return home to them. Finally imagine a mother and 2 kids that go missing from this very same person’s property and are, as of the time of writing of this article, still missing.

Welcome to the wild world of Ezra Miller. For those who are blissfully unaware of this man, an introduction is in order. This man is the product of two top of the line Hollywood participants. I call them participants as they are quite influential in the Hollywood scene, but not celebrities. They are influential artists. In any case, our man Ezra Miller was born rich, grew up affluent but in a den of predators (more on this later). This is the man who plays the role of the superhero Flash in the DC comic movie adaptations. He also has his standalone Flash movie in the pipeline.

Now re-read the first paragraph, all of which was done by Ezra Miller, and ask yourself the question how is it that no one knows about his shenanigans? Or how is it that an industry that just recovered from the #MeToo controversy with tall promises of doing better and treating women right, is perfectly fine with keeping mum on a man physically assaulting multiple women and preying on a young girl?

The answer to this question is multilayered. Firstly, it is widely known and of course true, that showbiz is a dirty business. The casting couch and sexual delinquency has existed as long as the industry has existed. I was not the least bit surprised about the Harvey Weinstein scandal. What I was surprised about was that the very same people that knew about it all, turned themselves into victims and started denouncing Weinstein. Ezra Miller is someone who grew up in this environment and was victimized by it. It is equally well known that what is frowned upon in society namely paedophilia is not quite so taboo in these elite circles of showbiz. They have the money and influence to hush up all there sexual ‘adventures’. Ezra Miller was a victim of this and if caught he is unstable enough to spill the beans. Therein lies the reason for the eerie quiet in an industry apparently obsessed with the well-being of women, borne out of a fear that this man might reveal all that our woke producers and celebrities get into in their free-time which child celebrities and legions of impressionable socially ambitious women.

The second reason is the tried and tested victim card. Ezra Miller claims that he is a transsexual. What that means is something even trans people do not know. But what is claimed loudly by all those in the trans lobby is that they are massively oppressed victim group which of course means that all acts done by anyone trans, is either made up, borne out of bigotry or simply the price to be paid for mainstreaming a marginalized community. It is just inconvenient that the brunt of attacks faced by said Trans men happen to be straight women and increasingly schoolgirls.

What should we learn from this entire situation? Quite simply that all these woods, be they Hollywood or Bollywood are sickening places on the inside. None of the actors and actresses you see will ever tell you the truth about how they made their way to the top. All their claims of victimhood and statements about fighting for justice is bullshit given the way they keep their mouths shut about what goes on in their backyard. Do not for one second believe that your celebrity idol does not know about the casting couch, sexual assault or predatory instincts of film producers. By being complicit in this industry wide flesh trade of mainly women and many children, celebrities have forfeited all claims to respect. And no once in a blue moon statements about casting couches does not a crusader for justice make.

That the victim card is real and it works is another derivable conclusion. The so-called sexual minorities namely the LGBT, far from being a just an identity are also an interest group. It is the presence of their members in the film fraternity that keeps the latter quiet. It is they who collaborate to keep the actions of their own secret and collude to promote their own. Of course, not all are bad. But there are plenty of ‘bad apples’ in the shithole known as the film industry.

Finally that for the left, victims are as changeable as the flavour of the month. Today it is transsexuals, yesterday it was women. For all the feminists that feel aggrieved by what transsexuals now do and demand, know that it was you enabled it and it was you who perfected the methods now used by the trans lobby against you. Today’s victim can be tomorrow’s oppressor in the Leftwing worldview. So be it for sane people like us, let us watch them devour each other while keeping our own safe.